The impact of the sun on our lives
A person's personality is shaped to some extent depending on the alignment relative to the planets of the Sun and Moon at the time of birth. The Sun will affect a boy born, the Moon will affect a girl. Also important is the exact time of birth (what part of the day), as well as the place of birth.
If the birth fell on the noon hours, when the Sun is in the locality at the zenith, that is, at the highest point of the sky, in the X house (the horoscope house system is formed by the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis, the so-called motus secundus, as opposed to motus primus - the annual rotation of the Sun around the zodiac). It is very possible that a person will be written outstanding merits, public positions or both.
Being born at night, for example, evenly at midnight, when the Sun is at its lowest, or in other words in the 4th house (roughly "nadir," which means down in Arabic) suggests greater physical and mental potential at the end of life. Some suggest that people born with this astrological alignment may live slightly shorter lives. The main horoscope - called the radix horoscope ( from the Latin "radix" means root) is formed on the basis of an accurate picture of the sky - the arrangement of planets and stars at the time of birth.
There is a belief that there are three types of constellations that may not account for a good, auspicious arrangement of stars for the person born. These are:
(a) an arrangement of planets in which the Sun is in the 6th house of the horoscope, (the time after sunset). This would supposedly suggest poor physical condition and a tendency to contract various diseases.
(b) a constellation within which the Sun in the birth horoscope is in the 8th house, assigned to death. Such an arrangement would also suggest not very good physical condition.
(c) the position of the Sun in the 12th house at the time of birth. Such an arrangement is associated with negative circumstances, with troubles, worries, accidents. Allegedly, it is supposed to foretell weakness of the body, and in the sense of life, a difficult start and such youth (possible deprivation, which would last until the age of 14 years of the child. If with this alignment of stars and planets in the immediate family of the child born is a person from under the sign of Pisces, there is a particularly high risk of alcoholic disease affecting the home (people in the sign of Pisces are particularly prone to addictions). It is possible that the low material status of the family will be associated with this.
The positions of the Sun can have a negative aspect in cases where the star is in signs lying at 90 and 180 degrees from the sign of Leo (in relation to which the Sun has great, even patronal significance).
The negative aspect of the stars at the time of birth is related to the location of the Sun at 90 degrees from the sign of Leo - (which indicates the sign of Taurus) and by 180 degrees in the case of Scorpio (which indicates the sign of Aquarius). Thus, the Sun may not exactly have a positive effect on the prosperity of a person born under the auspices of star systems, subject to the aforementioned signs. These will be those located at 90 or 180 degrees from the sign of Leo, so these will be the 2nd and 8th houses of the horoscope. As for the signs of Taurus and Scorpio (at 90 degrees from the sign of Leo,) they point to the 5th and 11th houses of the horoscope, subordinate to Aquarius. The sign of Aquarius is 180 degrees from the sign of Leo, that is, in opposition to it. If the given houses of the horoscope fall on the zodiacal signs that have the Sun in positive aspect - then the influence of the Sun in these signs will be weakened. In the case of the appearance of the 2nd house of the horoscope in the sign of Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius in the arrangement of stars and planets, the negative aspect that the Sun has on these zodiac signs will only be intensified. Similarly, it will be in the case of the manifestation of the 8th or 11th house of the horoscope in the signs of Taurus, Scorpio, or Aquarius.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The impact of the sun on our lives
5 rules for a happy relationship
5 rules for a happy relationship
It is not easy to keep the intensity of a relationship at the same level throughout its duration. In the initial phase, you will even be overwhelmed by the emotions accompanying you and the hormones bubbling up inside you, but over time they will begin to subside, and your relationship will fall into a routine. How do you ensure that in each phase of the relationship you feel good with each other and do not get bored in each other's company? Here are the five golden rules of a successful relationship that you must bring into your romantic relationship!
1 - Talk
Even if you think you have nothing to talk about today, try to force yourself to do so. The initial topic doesn't have to be fascinating, you can start with some news you've read in your commute to work or with the question "how was your day". This will help you rediscover a common language or simply maintain your friendly relationship, which is the foundation of a relationship. With daily conversation, you will level the possibility of a distance between you to practically zero. Moreover, you will still get to know each other better during such a conversation, which will greatly improve your bond.
2 - Touch each other
Touch is the basis for knocking down walls and breaking the ice. Without touch, unfortunately, our relationship can regress greatly. If you used to kiss regularly, holding hands whenever you went out, but until some time you don't do it at all, you subconsciously build a wall around you that will be very hard to break through with words. Re-implementing touch into your daily life can prove difficult and uncomfortable, especially if you don't know how to talk about it. In addition, touch helps beat stress and supports the production of happiness hormones, which will help you strengthen the bonds of your relationship.
3. change your surroundings
Routine can creep into your life from all sides, and if on top of that you sit at home all day watching TV series, there is no way to break it. That's why it's so important to change your surroundings. It could be going out to a restaurant once a week or watching a movie you both have been waiting for a long time at the theater. A change of environment will help you break out of the cacophony and provide you with new emotions, so that the shared impressions and memories will stay with you for longer. Just remember not to make the change of environment your routine.
4. make surprises for yourself
If you know someone long and deeply, you can most likely tell what would make the other person happy. If so, don't wait and do it right away. Small surprises without occasions will not only get you out of a rut, but will also add a little spice to your relationship. It could be a dish from his favorite restaurant ordered as a take-out for a no occasion dinner, or her favorite flowers given just to please her. In addition, this shows that you still remember each other and listen to each other attentively, which will tie you very strongly to each other and make you feel closer than ever.
5 - Give each other space
If you have a fight or clearly don't feel like talking to each other, let go for a while. You don't need to have an intense relationship all the time. Let each of you carve out a private space in your apartment where you can escape when needed. Also, determine for yourselves when you have time just for yourselves and must not be disturbed. A healthy distance will allow you to cool off and not get tired of each other, and taking a break from each other will give you time to think and breathe. If you don't have room in your apartment, you can go to your favorite cafes or the library, but determine your places first so that you don't bump into each other in them.
Facts and myths about Wiccan love spells
Wiccan love spells have long captured the imagination of seekers seeking to influence matters of the heart and attract romantic partners. ...

The ancient Egyptian civilization, with its rich tapestry of mythology, rituals, and mysticism, has captivated the imagination of people for...
Love, an emotion that transcends time and culture, has fascinated humanity for centuries. In the quest for understanding and harnessing the ...
Love spells have been used for centuries by practitioners of magic, seeking to harness the potent energies of the universe to attract love...